Blogging platform Svbtle is now open to all for new signups (Update: back to invite-only access)

UPDATE: When contacted, Curtis told TNW that Svbtle is not officially open yet, and the public access was only temporary as part of testing and experiments. As the server has been overloaded, Svbtle has gone back to being invite-only now. However, Curtis says it is likely that within a week or so, the blogging platform will once again open up to everyone — and this time for an extended period.

Our original story follows.
The blogging platform from designer Dustin Curtis, Svbtle, was previously only open to a select number of users — you had to make your case via the email address listed on the site before you got a shot at setting up a blog there.

However, it is now open to all for new signups. Simply key in your name, provide an email address and a password — and voila you’ve got your new blog. This may not be a permanent set-up though — the move wasn’t announced publicly by Svbtle, and the platform could very well shut the public out again once it has a decent mass of new users.

My colleague Jon previously described Svbtle as having, in his opinion, the slickest user experience of any blogging platform out there, with the user interface feeling less like a cumbersome diary and more like a doodle pad or to-do list, while it runs in Markdown.


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